Placard Sessions

the placard headphone festival2010 → 30_30_30


20:00 25/Jun/2010 (CEST)
02:30 27/Jun/2010 (CEST)
this placard is taking applications!
(you'll have to log in first if you want apply to perform)
see full details


.20:00 (CEST) .Frédéric Maintenant. - .Spectral IKI2. - (+)
- .live solo.
.20:30 (CEST) .AM/PW. - .Intensités. - (+)
- .performance d'objets, visuels et sonores.
.21:00 (CEST) .pierce. - .data decay. - (+)
- .recycled CNRS research data transformed into interactive audio and video, delinearized via custom software modules..
.21:30 (CEST) .erebus. - .spectralsequence. - (+)
- .suite spectrale.
.22:00 (CEST) .Cuckoo Island. - .Kraken theory. - (+)
- .Electro Mutante.
.22:30 (CEST) .MESSHERPE. - (+)
.23:00 (CEST) .c'est CARRADINE. - .garantiert ohne funk !. - (+)
- .de la noise avec des instruments bien tendus....
.23:30 (CEST) .+h30dOr3 K4czynsk1. - .Information society and its future. - (+)
- .unabomber.


.00:00 (CEST) .yro. - .fucK i aM 30yo. - (+)
- .Atchhh Les bOugies soNt encOrE chaude / birthday set.
.00:30 (CEST) .Toutils. - .Aluné (Sous-réalisme = tout ce qui a trait à l'ennui, la banalité, en particulier le fait de l'dire.). - (+)
- .laptop + ....
.01:00 (CEST) .emmanuel CARQUILLE: Wayn MALM. - .carmusic. - (+)
- .musique concrete, analogue et climatique.
.01:30 (CEST) .Urs. - .Meshed voices. - (+)
.02:00 (CEST) .Jesse Lucas (SATI-1). - .n = n+1. - (+)
- .Smooth feedback landscape.
.02:30 (CEST) .erik minkkinen. - .forgot about homer last time but now you're asleep. - (+)
- .strings knots and springs.
.03:00 (CEST) .tout'ingrid. - .toutils + ingrid. - (+)
- .found something in the cut tree.
.03:30 (CEST) .lidodido. - .mac.scramp. - (+)
.04:00 (CEST) .andy bolus. - .amplified meat/hiragana computer/oscillator. - (+)
- .audio meat painting (amplified meat/hiragana computer/oscillator).
.04:30 (CEST) .erik minkkinen. - .fluctuations homeresque stopped by stones. - (+)
- .springs and scrapes.
.05:00 (CEST) ---
.05:30 (CEST) ---
.06:00 (CEST) ---
.06:30 (CEST) ---
.07:00 (CEST) ---
.07:30 (CEST) ---
.08:00 (CEST) ---
.08:30 (CEST) ---
.09:00 (CEST) ---
.09:30 (CEST) ---
.10:00 (CEST) ---
.10:30 (CEST) ---
.11:00 (CEST) .Casse Gueule. - .Ballades. - (+)
- .Hard Rock Automatisé dans la langue de la constitution.
.11:30 (CEST) .die wurstbrûcke/le saumon mutant de la mer caspienne. - .iran minden en collant rose. - (+)
- .حمامة أنا حمامة.
.12:00 (CEST) .Feu Machin & Perrine en morceaux. - (+)
.12:30 (CEST) .kikiilimikilii & Die Karlheil Gruppe. - .bisothraquines. - (+)
- .30 % de visations.
.13:00 (CEST) .ancient astronauts. - .time warp dub experience. - (+)
- .radioscopy.
.13:30 (CEST) .JeRe vs singha. - .Skyzophrenia. - (+)
- .douceur et voluptué a la sauce dark ambiant.
.14:00 (CEST) .Xiuhcoatl. - .stéréocils (74000 - x). - (+)
.14:30 (CEST) .Scavans. - (+)
.15:00 (CEST) .no hcmc. - .such. - (+)
- .wired fields.
.15:30 (CEST) .deadbeat. - .pliage de circuits. - (+)
- .musique erroriste.
.16:00 (CEST) .alan boans. - .animist public orchestra.
- .participative live sound captures directed by mr boans.
.16:30 (CEST) .nohista. - .nobody. - (+)
- .dancing in the void.
.17:00 (CEST) .John M. Bennett and Martin Gubbins. - .Dialogos Sonoros. - (+)
- .CD diffusion.
.17:30 (CEST) .Tengal. - .(x0≤x1 and y0≤y1) (Line drawings). - (+)
- .divisible sound.
.18:00 (CEST) .:such:. - .a tape end. - (+)
.18:30 (CEST) .Tzii. - .Anal logued. - (+)
- .Analog frequencies.
.19:00 (CEST) .La Main Traumatique. - .Cadavre:Tropique. - (+)
- .La main ankylosée par l’immuable contrainte..
.19:30 (CEST) .Projet Piscine .. - .Everyday is my first day. - (+)
- .Flexipop duo.
.20:00 (CEST) .VEhF. - .ROBOTS & GODS 2.0. - (+)
- .visuals by KRMT.
.20:30 (CEST) .Racheil Hearbsc. - .c n f o r m e. - (+)
- .i h a r l i e.
.21:00 (CEST) .Planetaldol. - .Le pavillon des morts vivants, partie n°4. - (+)
- .Angoisse sournoise.
.21:30 (CEST) .Nicolas Carras. - .Fin du temps I / II / III. - (+)
- .Sound art / Concret music / CD difusion.
.22:00 (CEST) .1escV?. - .un escargot vide ?. - (+)
- .vide ? + vide ! = vide ‽.
.22:30 (CEST) .GüntaHono. - .djerbaschnap. - (+)
- .analog.
.23:00 (CEST) ---
.23:30 (CEST) .ACT9. - .Antropomorphic (Lilly). - (+)
- .Iman & NGT.


.00:00 (CEST) .Hiroshi ∆ Ishiguro. - .Geminoid ∆ HI-1. - (+)
- .
.00:30 (CEST) .Messkaline+ Honoré Schnap+ Sébastien Herpe. - .Citrons Verts. - (+)
.01:00 (CEST) .Vincent Vinyl. - .Ciuci Land Experience ep.04. - (+)
- .minimal tech experience.
.01:30 (CEST) ---
.02:00 (CEST) ---